Painting Blood In Kokas Papua

Visiting Kokas, Fak Fak regency, West Papua, like visiting an old city. In this district there are areas of ancient sites with a mystery that holds the magic in it. Not only attractive, but also invite people to welcome  its beauty.

Painting the cliff which is the ancient site in Andamata Kokas, Kokas District, Fak-Fak, West Papua. This painting is a relic of prehistoric times.
One of the famous ancient site Kokasadalah painting on steep rocky cliffs. By the local community, this steep rock cliff called Tapurarang. District wealth Coke relics since prehistoric times can be found in Andamata, Fior, Forir, Darembang, and Goras.

So, what is the uniqueness of the painting is an image of human hands and animals on the walls of the cliff? Despite centuries, paintings made with dyes from natural materials is still clearly visible today. The red color on the cliff paintings also resemble the color of human blood. Therefore, local people often refer to painting as painting hand stamp blood.

For local communities, the location of this cliff painting is a sacred place. They believe this painting is a form of the people who were condemned by the ghost of a grandmother who turns into a demon or ghost kaborbor believed to be the ruler of the oceans most frightening. My grandmother died after the attack that sank the boat that he was riding.

Of all the passengers on the boat, only grandmother has died. It is said that none of the passengers on the boat were trying to help her grandmother to save themselves. Feeling hurt, ghost grandmother who has turned into a demon kaborbor condemn all boat passengers trying to escape over the rocks. Due to the curse of all passengers and marine products taken immediately turned into a cliff paintings.

In this cliff painting you can see skeletons of human bones. This framework is believed to be the ancestor or ancestors frame the coke. In ancient times people here have a habit of putting the bodies of ancestors who died in the rock cliffs, caves, headland or under large trees were considered sacred.
Skull found in the cliffs at Andamata, Kokas District, Fak-Fak, West Papua. This human skull is the rest of the local community who do not habit jazad ancestors buried but put it on the rock cliffs, caves, headland or under large trees are special or sacred.

Keen to trace prehistoric Kokas?
From the terminal Fakfak you have to travel overland into coke out of town using public transportation. Distance Fakfak-coke as far as 50 kilometers will be completed in about 2 hours. You just spend Rp 25,000 per person, each way. Arriving diKokas, still have to continue traveling by longboat approximately 1 hour. If the water was high tide, you can go up to the cliff and saw this painting up close. However, if the water receded, the beauty of the cliff paintings can only be enjoyed from the longboat.

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Miniature Icons Raja Ampat

Wayag island famous among international tourists as a tourist icon Raja Ampat, West Papua. When the destination is unavailable, there is a miniature Kabui bay.

Harsh landscape of cliffs and towering rock it. The style of diverse and unique panorama makes its own, which would spoil the eyes of anyone nearby.

Green vegetation in a pile of scattered islands seemed to be the perfect camouflage wrap hundreds climbing conical clusters that resemble small islands. That Kabui bay, people call it a miniature island Wayag, exotic icons in Raja Ampat, West Papua Province.

Gulf Kabui be an alternative for travelers to enjoy the world's last paradise. Because the distance that must be taken to the island Wayag far enough to take three hours, using fast boats. Not to mention the high cost, between Rp10 million to Rp12 million for one-way.

Well, how do you get to the Gulf Kabui? This place you can achieve by hiring speedboats Waisai, capital of Raja Ampat. Price rent a boat approximately Rp2 million to Rp2, 5 million for eight people, a lot cheaper than Wayag Island. Meanwhile, the journey is only taken approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on weather conditions.

In the Gulf Kabui, there are hundreds of small islands protruding from the seabed. You can do activities such as diving, snorkeling, caving, or just mingle with fish that are so clearly visible from the surface.

Lucky, if you could see straight to the natural conditions are so friendly, the waves seemed to welcome with composure. So, whoever comes will immediately enjoy the beauty of natural scenery and greenery in the Gulf Kabui.

One that characterizes destination located between the island and the island of Gam Waigeo it is the establishment of tens of coral islands scattered so pretty. Coral islands have an assortment of sizes, from small to large.

This is where the difference Bunaken in Manado with Raja Ampat, the rocks are big, tall and numerous. The coral reef that is the hallmark of excellence and in Raja Ampat.

In this place, in addition to enjoying the waters are shallow and clear, prominent rocks, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of the sand signage located in the middle of the ocean. "Sand it appears only for a moment, especially when the weather is nice and the sea waves are not tidal.

The beauty of this is Kabui bay by about calling it a miniature island paradise last Wayag. Raja Ampat also have other attractions that no less intense, ie Mayalibit Island and Village Tourism Arborek.

Raja Ampat Not Just Got Diving

Many foreign tourists who admire the beauty of the sea Raja Ampat, especially divers. But what you can not swim or dive? Take it easy, there are still a lot of beauty in the islands of eastern Indonesia that could be enjoyed.

Indeed, Raja Ampat in West Papur have underwater beauty outstanding, rows of beautiful coral reefs, tropical fish swimming to and fro. Do not worry, those of you who can not swim or do not have a diving license, the arrival of the Raja Ampat will not be in vain.

Go to Raja Ampat is not just for diving. You can island hopping, can also be trecking to a waterfall or bird-watching.

One that is being heavily promoted by the local tourism office is bird-watching tour. In Raja Ampat, a lot of unique birds, such as birds of paradise and cassowaries. This does not exist anywhere else.

Tourism bird-watching is usually provided at the resort or inn respectively. Every morning or before sunset, tourists will be brought into the woods equipped binoculars, to see the activities of the birds are looking for food.

If you want to go it alone without a guide, you can, but it should help guide for those who know where the birds are nesting.

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Sasi Rajaha Guard Raja Ampat Natural Beauty

Island Raja Ampat, the world knows its beauty, but not everyone knows how to keep the charm of the local community. Not with modern equipment, but the tradition.

For the Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua, the sea is at the heart of life though some have gardening and hunting. From generation to generation, marine life and forests inherited. The sea and the forest is the back of all life. Awareness of the importance of water and land that is creating a system that encourages people to keep and preserve the culture of the surrounding nature. Culture system was called "Sasi" and "Rajaha".

Sasi is one of the closing ceremonies for the region or village to preserve the natural ecosystem. Sasi also means ban together (collectively) of an object or area that includes the latter. So, Sasi Rajaha is a form of protection that is applied in an area of ​​sea and forest chiefs mutual agreement to protect the marine and ocean violin in a certain time in the public interest.

Application of SASI and rajaha has been done since the time of the kings before the Raja Ampat Islands. System of defense and protection of this culture which was then re-appointed by the local government to preserve and conserve nature Raja Ampat Islands is the world's most beautiful maritime travel.

Application of SASI are of two kinds, depending on circumstances, timing, and kebutuha. There is "a deliberate SASI" and "sasi no deliberate". "Sasi the deliberate" is sasi imposed after seeing the sea that arise increasingly reduced and new sources of revenue to meet the cost of family life even more difficult. Therefore, this type sasi held to allow marine life to regenerate so the results increases.

Meanwhile, "SASI is not deliberate" is sasi that exists by itself as a natural phenomenon that is not allowed to attempt the sea, as the season winds prolonged (3-6 months), so it can be declared a village headman by SASI. Sasi recently opened after the wind passes.

Meanwhile, sasi the sea area is divided into two kinds, namely "sasi conditional" and "unconditional sasi". "Sasi conditional" SASI is imposed on one of the marine life in a particular sea area. However, if people want to carry out the event an important event, such as religious ceremonies, marriage ceremony, the public is allowed take disasi marine life.

Temporary, "sasi unconditional" is a prohibition for SASI has not been revoked. In addition, there is also an ongoing sasi all time. Sasi is held on a specific area believed to be the objects of cultural heritage, such as websites or even huniah royal spirits. The area gets sasi status is not just anyone bolehmencari fish in it. Violation of the ban is usually always end up with a disaster with no known cause.

Sasi closing and opening ceremonies begin with a dipimpim chiefs. This ceremony usually lasts for 1-7 days. The ceremony was preceded submission and determination of tagging tools. Furthermore, a milestone marking tools, such as buoys, flags, and anchor paraded around with drums flute group to inform the public as well as to introduce to all the signs that will be installed in areas that will disasi (Marine Protected Areas) so that people do not violate the signs and also a sign that an area that disasi.

In this ceremony, placed a tree decorated with various carvings, pieces of cloth, woven leaves resemble marine animals, and mangrove fruits are put in place to be implemented SASI. After the ceremony, marking a milestone that has been consecrated planted in a location that will disasi. That milestone by the Raja Ampat is known as the "go samson" (a glorified timber).

Equipment other ceremonies are 7 plates of yellow rice, 7 eggs, 7 papeda seed packs (kawet), tobacco rolled with nipa leaves, areca siri, and lime 7th place respectively. All equipment was partially floated out to sea and partly on the beach as an offering to the spirits guard the sea.

Meanwhile, at the "rajaha" also performed the ceremony by cutting a white cock and then tied to a location disasi. To prevent theft or hobatan the liquid leaves a small bottle filled and hung on wooden poles in a disasi. Hobatan is always accompanied by the reading of the spell. Installation rajaha lasted for SASI runs.

If sasi ends, then rajaha also revoked. Revocation rajaha usually not accompanied by ceremonies, only the notice of traditional governance to the people that rajaha been revoked. Notice of closure and opening of the SASI is very important because it is a violation of SASI can result lifelong disability or someone will die, as quoted from the book Treasure Raja Ampat; History and Culture Ayu Arman's work.

Besides sasi, the Raja Ampat have traditional performances for their conservation, the fishing technique molo, bacigi, and dance bintaki. Molo is a traditional way of fishing with wooden rifles. Fishermen must dive first and then use the rifle to shoot the fish. This rifle uses wire as bullets. Fishermen who use this method are called artisan fishing molo molo Kareng they use glass or glass submarine to protect the eyes.

Meanwhile, bacigi is deep sea fishing techniques without the use of bait on the Mariadei. They fished together young people, children, elders, and use the hook without the bait. Bacigi done to catch the fish that lives in groups and swim near the ocean surface.

And, this time almost the whole area of ​​Raja Ampat have been enacted SASI. At least, there are 16 points in the current term is the Regional Marine Conservation Area (KKLD). To-16 point is forbidden for people to conduct fishing activities or other seafood harvesting, such as trochus, sea cucumbers, and reef fish. In this area, the marine life is left to settle and grow as they please without being bothered by human activities.

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Pandawa Beach Bali

More recently, Bali opened a new beach is located in the Village District Kutuh South Kuta, Badung regency, Bali. It's named Pandawa Beach.

Formerly the beach is often referred to with the Secret Beach because it was hidden behind the limestone hill, but since officially opened by local authorities in late December 2012 and was held with the Festival, now the Pandavas began bustling beach visited by tourists because of its natural panorama of the exotic.

Before known as a tourist destination, the beach is only used once as a seaweed cultivation by the local community until now.

Why the beach is named after the Pandavas Beach?
It is all due to the steep cliff side road leading to the beach there is a statue of the Panca Pandavas.

Besides having a view of the cliff / hillside chalk that beautiful, Pandawa Beach also has a beautiful panorama, with the characteristics of pure white sand and turquoise sea water, typical of the beaches.
Deserted beaches and atmosphere is very suitable for bathing or swimming because the waves broke in the middle of the sea.
In addition, the Pandawa Beach is also a great place to see the sunrise (sunrise) because it faces east coast.
How to get there?
To reach the beach there are 2 alternatives Pandavas distinguished road passable:
First, if you are from Kuta / Denpasar take the road Uluwatu, think '1Km from the pedestal you see Nirmala Minimarket intersection, take a left towards Nusa Dua / Bali Cliff, and follow the road to Bali Cliff. guess '2 km journey, there is a T-junction with a direction to the Pandavas on the beach side of the road, turn left and follow the road until we came to the intersection (no big signboardnya), then turn right and follow the road until the end to arrive at Pandawa Beach guess' with 4km distance.
Secondly, if you are from Kuta / Denpasar Ngurah Rai Bypass through Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa met intersection take the right path to Campus High School of Tourism (STP) of Bali, about '4km dr STP campus met junction (no big signboadnya) turn left, just follow the way it continues to run on the beach with mileage guess Pandavas' 8km.

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Lihat Peta Lebih Besar

The Beauty of Dieng Mountain

Dieng is a plateau region in Central Java, who entered the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. It is located to the west of the complex and the Mount Sindoro Sumbing.

Dieng is an active volcanic region is said to be a giant volcanic crater with a few craters. The average altitude is about 2,000 m above sea level. Temperature ranges from 15-20 ° C during the day and 10 ° C at night. In the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in the morning and bring frost by locals called bun upas ("dew poison") for causing damage to agricultural crops.

Administratively, Dieng Dieng is Kulon Village area, Batur subdistrict, district Banjarnegara and Dieng ("Dieng Wetan"), District Kejajar, Wonosobo district. This area is one of the most remote regions in Central Java.

Dieng name comes from the combination of two words Kawi language: "in", which means "place" or "mountain" and "Hyang" which means (God). Thus, Dieng means mountainous region where the gods and goddesses residing. Another theory states, Dieng name comes from Sundanese language ("in hyang") as estimated in the pre-Medang (around the 7th century AD) the area under the influence of the Kingdom Galuh politics.

Dieng Plateau (DTD) is plain with volcanic activity beneath the surface, like Yellowstone or the Tengger Highlands. Indeed it is a caldera mountains surrounding the edges. There are many craters as the release of gases, water vapor and various other volcanic material. This situation is very dangerous for the people who inhabit the region, as evidenced by the presence of gas eruption crater Sinila 1979. Not only poisonous gas, but it can also be possible earthquakes, mud eruptions, landslides and floods.
In addition to the crater, there are volcanic lakes that contain water mixed with sulfur that has distinctive yellow-green color.

In biology, volcanic activity at Dieng interesting as found in hot waters near the crater of some species of thermophilic bacteria ("like it hot") which can be used to uncover the early life on Earth.

Dieng is an active crater in the crater of volcanic activity beneath the plateau. Monitoring activities conducted by PVMBG through Observation Post Dieng in District Karangtengah. Here are the active craters are monitored:
  • Candradimuka
  • Sibanteng
  • Siglagah
  • Sikendang, potentially toxic gases
  • Sikidang
  • Sileri
  • Sinila, potentially toxic gases
  • Weigh, potentially toxic gases
Crater Sibanteng
Sibanteng located in the village of Dieng Kulon. This phreatic crater erupted in January 2009 (15/1), leading to the tourist area of ​​Dieng to be closed several days to anticipate disasters gas poisoning. The eruption of the mud came up to 2km, Perhutani forest destruction around him, and caused landslides Kali stem White River Serayu.Kawah Sibanteng child had also erupted in July 2003.

Crater Sikidang
Sikidang crater in the DTD is the most popular visited by tourists because it is most easily achieved. The crater is famous for gas discharge holes are always moving in a wide area. From this character derives its name because locals see it move like deer (deer in Javanese).

Crater Sileri
Sileri is the crater of the most active and has erupted several times (based on the record: in 1944, 1964, 1984, July 2003 and September 2009). In the last phreatic activity (26 September 2009) appear three new craters gap is accompanied by the emission of material as high as 200 meters.

Crater Sinila
Sinila located in the village of Dieng Wetan. Sinila crater had erupted in the morning in 1979, [5] February 20, 1979 to be exact. The earthquake caused made people running out of the house, but they were trapped toxic gases coming out of the crater eruption triggered Sinila Weigh result. A number of residents (149 people) and cattle died of gas poisoning carbon dioxide is released and spread to residential areas.

Crater Weigh
Weigh is a crater located near Sinila and moderate activity. Although less active, the crater is a highly concentrated source of CO2 gas which took hundreds of victims in 1979. The crater was last recorded increased activity in May 2011 with a belch of white smoke as high as 20 feet, removing CO2 concentrations exceed the safe threshold (1,000 ppm, the normal concentration in the air close to 400 ppm) and raises volcanic earthquakes. On May 31, 2011 morning, the crater was re-releasing CO2 gas up to 1% v / v (100,000 ppm) accompanied by tremors. As a result, all activities are prohibited within a radius of 1 km and Simbar Hamlet and Hamlet Attack evacuated

The tops
  • Prahu mountain (2565 m)
  • Pakuwaja mountain (2395 m)
  • Sikunir mountain (2263 m), tourist attractions, close Sembungan

Volcanic lake
  • Colour Lake, a tourist attraction with a nearby persemadian
  • Tadpole pond, near the tourist village Sembungan
  • Telaga Merdada
  • Telaga Pengilon
  • Telaga dringo
  • Nila Telaga

Some of the cultural and natural heritage has been used as a tourist attraction and is managed jointly by the two districts, namely Banjarnegara and Wonosobo.

Here are some of the attractions in Dieng:
  • Telaga: Colour Lake, a lake that often elicits shades of red, green, blue, white, and mauve, Telaga Pengilon, just adjacent to the lake colors, unique color of the water in the lake is not clear like sulfur mixed. Another uniqueness is the limit Telaga Telaga Pengilon color with just the grass that forms such a small swamp. Merdada lake, is the largest in the existing teelaga Dieng Plateau. The water never receded used as irrigation for farms. Even the lake is also used by anglers for a hobby or a traveler as well just drive around in small boats are rented out by locals.
  • Crater: Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila (explode and release toxic gases in 1979 with 149 victims of the soul), Crater Candradimuka.
  • Complex of Hindu temples built in the 7th century, among others: Ghatotkacha Temple, Temple Bhima, Arjuna temple, temple Semar, Temple Sembadra, Heroine Temple, Temple Setyaki, Gangsiran Ashwatthama, and Temple Dwarawati.
  • Gua: Gua Semar, Jaran Cave, Cave wells. Located between Colour Lake and Ponds Pengilon, often used as a place of spiritual though.
  • Jalatunda wells.
  • Dieng Volcanic Theater, a theater to see a movie about the volcano in Dieng.
  • Kailasa Dieng Museum, storing artifacts and provide information about the nature (geology, flora and fauna), the Dieng (daily, agriculture, religion, arts) and the archaeological legacy of Dieng. It has a theater to see a movie (currently about archeology Dieng), an open platform on the roof of the museum, as well as restaurants.
  • Serayu river springs, often referred to with Tuk Bima Lukar (Tuk = spring).

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Lihat Peta Lebih Besar