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Derawan Island East Kalimantan

Derawan island located in the archipelago Derawan, sub Derawan, Berau, East Kalimantan Island Derawan unit morphology is bertopografi flat coastal plain. Beach sand has a slope of about 7 ° - 11 ° in width from 13.5 to 20 meters.

In the surrounding waters are a marine park and is renowned as a tourist submarine (diving) with a depth of about five meters. There are a wide variety of marine life here, including squid (cuttlefish), lobster, fish pipe (ghostpipe fish), octopus (octopus bluering), nudibranchs, sea horses (seahorses), eel ribbon (ribbon eels) and fish Skorpion (scorpionfishes ).

On the rock at a depth of ten meters, there are reefs known as the "blue wall trigger" because of the reef with a length of 18 meters is a lot of trigger fish (red-toothed trigger fishes).

Derawan is an island with a sea-colored blue and green shades are stunning, soft, white sand, rows of palm trees on the coast, with a small forest in the middle of the island which is the habitat of various species of plants and animals and the natural beauty of the sea. No wonder if this island could top ranks third as a world class dive destination and make this island a dream island for divers.

Derawan around the island, some 28 diving points have been identified. To explore all these points at least it takes about 10 days with one dive at each point. To move from one point to another, visitors can use the ship. In the meantime, visitors can also explore the island on foot.

Dr. Carden of the museum wallace tropical queensland, Australia has examined marine wealth Derawan Island and encounter more than 50 species of arcropora (marine animal) in one coral reef. No one seems if Derawan Island known as the third highest in the world as an international dive destination.

Coral reefs in the archipelago Derawan widespread throughout the island and archipelago charred at Derawan. Hirst-footed existing sandbar islands including Long Island, masimbung charred, scorched buliulin, Pinaka charred, scorched and charred tababinga muaras.

Type Derawan coral islands consist of coral edge, barrier reefs and atolls. Atoll is what has formed into the island and formed into a salt water lake. "Manta tow survey 2003" shows the average coral cover reefs in Long Island is 24.25% to 34.88 for the hard corals and reef life. Coral reefs in the island Derawan has an average coral cover of hard corals 17.41% and 27.78% live coral cover. With the amount of 460 to 470 species show that a wealth of biodiversity is second only to the Raja Ampat archipelago.

Reefs main areas:
  • western Long Island (inlet and channel)
  • muaras with a high diversity of corals, reef health, and aesthetic value
  • malalungun reefs, with high diversity of complex structures with different habitat
  • large coral-rich habitat
Reef fish survey in 2003 showed that these islands produce 832 species. In addition, it is estimated there are at least 1051 species in the waters of Berau with gobes dominant species (Gobiidae), wrasses (Labridae) and damselfishes (Pomacentridae).

Sometimes when you sit on the end of a wooden bridge that leads to the sea, we can see the green turtles and fro on the surface of the clear water. When diving we were in the company of the turtle that swam around us. Occasionally even the turtles are seen wandering around the cottage which is located on the coast of the island. At nightfall, several turtles climbed ashore and lay their eggs there.

Visitors can also review other islands located around Derawan. For example: Sangalaki Island, Maratua and Kakaban that has its own uniqueness. Blue stingray (manta rays), which has a width of up to 3.5 meters Sangalaki populated island. Fact can also be found-if you are lucky enough black stingray with wide "wingspan" 6 meters. While Kakaban which has a unique form of prehistoric lake in the middle of the sea, the only one in Asia.

Distinctive and protected species that can be found include coconut crabs (birgus latro), whales, dolphins (Delphinus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (erethmochelys fimbriata), and dugongs (dugong dugon). Coconut crabs can be found in Kakaban and Maratua. Whales can be found around the island Maratua certain seasons while dolphins around the island semama, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, and charred muaras.

Turtles can be found around Long Island, Derawan, semama, Sangalaki and Maratua and dugong in long island and semama. Another unique species of manta ray (manta birostris) found on the island Sangalaki and pigmy seahorse and Derawan semama island.

Facilities and Accommodation
Derawan Island provides amenities such as cottages, diving equipment, Speedboat and restaurants. Derawan Island also provides a less expensive inn run by locals.

These houses are simple overhanging nearly 100 meters into the sea to make the residents freely see a variety of colorful fish and turtles passing freely without disturbing anyone. The food menu is very simple with the main menu dominant fish and canned food certainly does not detract from the enjoyment atmosphere day and night on this island.

To get Derawan Island, tourists can simply fly for about 3 hours to Balikpapan by plane from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar.
From Balikpapan, still have to fly to Cape Redeb dive one hour by plane KAL Star, Deraya or DAS. In addition, Cape Redeb can also be reached by sea, with boarded the ship from Samarinda or Tarakan to Tanjung Redeb followed by motorboat hire.

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