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Lake Toba

Lake Toba has incredible natural tourism, spiritual tourism, historical, or architectural and culinary tour. The atmosphere is cool and refreshing, a stretch of clear water, and stunning scenery with green mountains are a small part of the description of the marvelous beauty of Lake Toba.

Lake Toba was formed by the eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) about 73000-75000 ago. Estimated that approximately 2800 cubic km of volcanic material spewed from the earth through the Peruvian volcano erupted while. At that time the wind blows volcanic ash has spread to half the earth. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level. According to estimates, the eruption of a super volcano caused mass death and extinction of some species of living creatures. The eruption of Mount Toba affect the civilization of the world with the changing weather and the start of the ice age earth.

Lake Toba has now become one of the amazing wonders of nature in the archipelago. Lake Toba is a very large lake berkawah where almost covering the central island of Singapore. With an area of ​​1,145 square kilometers, Lake Toba is actually more like an ocean than a lake. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and the deepest in the world is approximately 450 meters. Type volcanic lake is the second largest lake in the world after Lake Victoria in Africa.

In the middle of Lake Toba there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island is located at an altitude of approximately 1,000 meters above sea level. In the midst of Samosir Island is also no longer two beautiful lakes named Lake and Lake Aek Sidihoni Natonang. The area around Lake Toba has pine forests lush landscaped. On the outskirts of Lake Toba there are some fascinating waterfalls. On the outskirts of Lake Toba there is also an attraction named Cape Camel because of land jutting into the lake is indeed resembles a camel's back. In the vicinity of Lake Toba you will find sulfur water baths also believed to be useful to nourish the skin.

Lake Toba is a place to relax and enjoy the scenery while cycling and enjoying the scenic view of the mountains. Sense of fatigue that you feel will be lost when visited the beauty of this place. Lake Toba is 900 meters above sea level so the cool air was refreshing, away from heat and pollution of the city.

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Lihat Peta Lebih Besar


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