Bukit Lawang Otherwise known as The Green Nature Bukit Lawang Located in Langkat northern Sumatra located about 68 kilometers northwest of the city binjai and about 80 km northwest of the city from surrounding terrain. Bukit Lawang itself is still part of the Gunung Leuser, which is a local mountain introspective conversations.
Bukit Lawang is the largest community Orang Utan. Its location in the Gunung Leuser National Park. Visitors must cross the river Bohorok because the park is located in the district of Langkat, North Sumatra.
Bukit Lawang is a tourist area develops spontaneously. That is, charm and natural charm to attract visitors to come. Tourism development here began with the establishment of the first orangutan rehabilitation center in Sumatra in the early 1980s.
These rehabilitation centers provide assurance for visitors to see orangutans. That makes more famous Bukit Lawang. In the past, this place is known for the foreign tourists as the natural attractions of tropical forests. Even in a world of no more than five places that have tropical jungle excursions are very cool. Bukit Lawang maybe even one of the best in the world. The landscape is mainly dominated by steep hills, shady trees, and river bathing with its clear water.
One of the most famous object from Bukit Lawang is sibahorok cool water. where water is directly waterfalls and pristine nature. Besides enjoying the cool water sibahorok, visitors can also enjoy the natural beauty of the verdant and hilly stretches in shape.
In Bukit Lawang tourist spot or so-called local part of the Gunung Leuser National Park, visitors can very freely see the lives of the people of orangutans and other wildlife that live quietly in this area.
Visitors who arrive at mayoritasi stricken by the community surrounding Sumatra, is already very many visitors who come from foreign countries, and in general they come to enjoy the water Sibahorok, because Sibahorok has become an icon of the tour itself that has been known up to abroad.
Travelers with local animal
Tourists who come to this place, more are choosing to stay. This tourist area available accommodation facilities, such as hotels, cottages, and more. for dietary needs are also several restaurants or restaurants. Souvenirs of mace hill itself is also very much known outside the region due to the uniqueness and the image of unspoiled nature of Bukit Lawang.
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