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Brastagi is a major tourist destination in Tanah Karo, located at an altitude of about 4594 feet above sea level and surrounded by mountain ranges, has the cool air of the beautiful expanse of shifting agriculture, vast, green. Brastagi is a tourist destination that has a complete facility in Tanah Karo, such as star hotels, restaurants, golf and others come to the hotel at a rate relatively affordable. Brastagi also known as the city of "Passion & Sweet Orange".

From the town of "Passion & Sweet Orange" Brastagi, visitors will enjoy a beautiful view of the mountains that are still active, ie Sibayak mountain climbing and mountain Sinabung.Untuk Sibayak takes approximately 3 hours drive and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery mountains or take 3 to 4 hour trip in the forest to see the natural wealth of flora and fauna it around the forest.

In addition to fruit, also known as a producer Brastagi various types of vegetables, fruits and flowers. In the city Brastagi implemented several tourism events such as "Party Flowers & Fruits" and cultural festival "Mejuah-Juah Party" held every year. Karo also has a tradition that has been handed down do the "Work Year" organized every year by the Karo people who live in the area or who have migrated to come back to the village of relatives to visit each other and stay in touch.

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